Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jessie and AJ!!! HOOORAH!!!!

Jessie and AJ got married this last saturday!!!!

The wedding was beautiful! They were married behind a little cabin tucked up against the edge of Big mountain and Lake Cascade. Everything seemed to go perfectly! the weather, friends decorations - everything! I was very inspired by the scenery and also by thier friends and family! It is so nice to see everyone getting along so splendidly...I made friends with everyone quickly (who couldnt!!! they were awesome) Jessie and AJ wanting some really sexy pictures - and we really pushed ourselves and came up with some HOT poses... check them out! here is a few from her wedding!

Oh and ps--- if you hear that i danced...it isn't true...I am aweful at dancing and I swear that i do not know the MC hammer music video dance, along with the Vannilla Ice video mix! And that video bieng passed around is adobe'd it isnt real!!!

oh pss- Thank you Dennis, for bieng my 'chum'

1 comment:

Sycamore Girl said...

My mouth dropped when I saw the pics of these two on your website on the beach! Holy crap talk about riske'! LOVED THEM! I was like, whoa- what about her dress? and then I thought- screw the dress- TAKE THE SHOT! How great that they were willing to push the envelope- totally Hollywood like- or a cologne/perfume ad! Well done!